Gold Trommel

Applicable materials:Gold Mining, Quarry, Coal, Chemical, Metallurgy etc.

  • Feed size:100-400 mm
  • Productive capacity:2-500 t/h

Application scope:Gold Mining, Quarry, Coal, Chemical, Metallurgy etc.

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Product description

The Trommel Screen is widely used for screening and classifying mineral materials, such as metallurgy, mining, chemical, coal, building materials, abrasives, and other industries.
1. Gold Mining: suitable for screening and washing alluvial gold, placer gold, sand gold, etc.
2. Quarry: suitable for screening and classifying gravel, clay, mountain meal, sand, etc.
3. Coal Industry: suitable for screening and classifying lump coal, coal dust, coal washing, etc.
4. Chemical, Mineral-selecting Industry: suitable for grading and classifying lump, powder substance, etc.
5. Metallurgy, construction and other industries
suitable for more than 200 types hard materials

Customized Crushing Solution for Your Raw Materials

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  • River pebble sand making
  • Granite sand making
  • Molybdenum ore beneficiation
  • Limestone sand making

working principle

1) Input of raw materials through heavy equipment
Raw materials inputted through the entrance of the hopper will be pushed into the Gold trommel by the strong water pressure of the shower equipped in the hopper.
2) Selection and cleaning of raw materials
Raw materials will be cleaned and selected by the rotation of gold trommel screen and, by watering of the shower inside, run into the gold dust separate panel.
3) Collecting of gold dust separated
Soil and sands with lighter specific gravity will flow away but gold dusts with greater specific gravity will be staying in the gathering mat to be collected.

Technical parameters

Model Drum specifications
Max Feeding Sizes
Screen Mesh Sizes
GTS0415 Φ0.4X1.5 1 <300 0-100 2-5 1.5
GTS0518 Φ0.5X1.8 1 <300 0-100 8-10 1.5
GTS0820 Φ0.8X2.0 1 <300 0-100 10-15 3
GTS1015 Φ1.0X1.5 1-2 <300 0-100 15-25 4
GTS1020 Φ1.0X2.0 1-2 <300 0-100 20-35 4
GTS1035 Φ1.0X3.5 1-2 <300 0-100 30-50 5.5
GTS1225 Φ1.2X2.5 1-2 <400 0-100 50-70 5.5
GTS1235 Φ1.2X3.5 1-2 <400 0-100 70-100 5.5
GTS1245 Φ1.2X4.5 1-2 <400 0-100 140-200 7.5
GTS1545 Φ1.5X4.5 2-3 <400 0-100 180-300 15
GTS1848 Φ1.8X4.8 2-3 <400 0-100 250-400 15
GTS2050 Φ2.0X5.0 2-3 <400 0-100 300-500 30

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